Please send us the following details about your business:
The more information you provide, the faster we can grant access.
Your application MUST come from the business email address. If the email address you use is not the address we find when checking the business, access will be declined.
If you can't provide proof of your connection to that business, wholesale access will not be possible.
Use the form below, or email us at:
If you haven't ordered since before July 2020, you won't have an account on this new website. You'll need to create a new account, but not just yet - keep reading.
What's the wholesale discount code?
When you originally applied for wholesale access, we emailed you a password to use to access the wholesale section. We don't have separate sections anymore. That password is now a discount code to use at checkout. It takes the wholesale discount off your order. Type the code in the discount code box to receive your wholesale discount each time you order. It excludes mounts and personalisation. (mounts are already at wholesale prices)
Can't remember the old password? Lost it? No problem. You'll just need to follow the steps above to re-apply. Then create your account.